YCRS Day @ Sandia Motor Speedway

Scott Rybarik Instructing YCRS at Sandia Motor Speeday
Photo by Zach Price @zachpricesports
Photo of YCRS instruction
Photo by Zach Price @zachpricesports

YCRS Instruction at Sandia Motor Speeday
Photo by Zach Price @zachpricesports
YCRS Instruction at Sandia Motor Speedway
Photo by Zach Price @zachpricesports

Our service writer Greg Sterosky took the Yamaha Champ Riding School held at Sandia Motor Speedway and hosted by our local reacing club SMRI. He enjoyed the day, the people and the instructors, and claimed to have learned a couple of new techniques!
Excerp from instructor Scott Rybarik on Facebook’s SMRI Discussion Group post:
Every once in awhile we get to do things that make it feel like we’ve made a difference in the world.
This past week I had the honor of leading a clinic for SMRI (Sandia Motorcycle Racing Inc) with my peers, Ryan Burke, Michael Henao, and Mike Applehans. 25 students, 4 instructors, and a full day on track with zero crashes, and zero incidnets.
This is the power of the Yamaha Champions Riding School curriculum at work. Each student came away with new skills, and new ways of thinking about their riding which will make them safer, and faster for the rest of their riding careers.
Many thanks to Kimberly Prichard, the SMRI board, and my teammates for your dedication to the sport.
Many more thanks to each of the students who showed up with open minds and a desire to learn!
If you haven’t already, it’s time to consider investing in your own riding. It’s the one upgrade that will benefit you on every bike you ride from now on. Check out our upcoming schedule at: www.champschool.com
YCRS — Yamaha Champions Riding School
is a Tier 3 Course with the MSF. This isn’t a school just for racers, YCRS first and foremost a riding school. They coach at a race track because that is the safest place to practice skill anywhere close to highway speeds.
This doesn’t mean that if you are a racer you won’t learn anything in this class. The instructors are all very fast racers who can help you hone your craft.
I recommend that anyone who wants to improver their skills before the riding season gets into full swing. Check out the YCRS Champ U online course.