Monica from Inspire and Marc Beyer from OCD Custom Cycles & Auto Repair watching Alexis Flores working.

2017 Mentorship Bike “Boxer Custom”

Seth Biderman Co-Director, Inspire Santa Fe, Alexis Flores Protegee with Inspire Santa Fe, Marc Beyer Mentor and co-owner of OCD Custom Cycles & Auto Repair at the Inspire Mentor Appreciation Evening at The Lodge

Marc Beyer talking about his experience as a mentor with Inpire Santa Fe

Mentors and Protegees from the Inspire Santa Fe Mentor Appreciation Evening 2017
This program is designed to introduce kids ages 12-18 to motorcycle and auto mechanics. This takes many forms including the basics of combustion concept to actual electrical wiring, welding, problem solving. The participants come to us either through a school that has a place for this in their credit requirement system such as Monte del Sol, Santa Fe Waldorf School, Camino Real
through the non-profit program Inspire that services the other schools that do not have Mentorship built into their curriculum such as Santa Fe High, Capital, and any other school with appropriate aged children. Our Mentorship Program is run out of our shop which holds our business OCD Custom Cycles & Auto Repair, LLC. The event in pictures is from the Inspire Celebration that was held February 23rd for all Mentors and Protégées participation in the program for the year 2017. Marc and Alexis were featured this year and got up on stage and talked about their experience together.
Each student’s program is very individual and informal but requires showing up on time, following shop rules, having enthusiasm, documenting work and progress, and a final project presented to fellow classmates. This fosters personal pride in the achievement and creativity.
Marc Beyer, who is from Emden Germany, is co-owner of OCD Custom Cycles & Auto Repair, LLC and is the primary mentor who creates the program for each student and reviews work and goals. Our shop supports the idea of mentorship and reinstating the apprenticeship programs that are mandatory in Germany for all trades and used to be very popular in America. This philosophy provides hands-on training for trades and insures that when a worker is released into his or her field that there is a level of proficiency which is passed on to the employer and the end-consumer or customer. Mentoring also allows young people to have adult role models outside of their home.