Motorcycle Tour in Pakistan

Some information and all the photos are from the March 2023 issue of the American Motorcyclist magazine. Article by Erin Reda – Photos by Erin Reda, Talha Sharjeel, Aseel Amer, and Jaime Smith.
Jaime Smith called me late last summer and said she was going to Pakistan and joining a group of women motorcyclists on a tour through Pakistan. The group was stopping at an all girls boarding school to give some basic instruction on motorcycle maintenance (motorcycles are the primary vehicle there) and would we like to send along some t-shirts.
Shimshal Girls’ Hostel displaying our shop t-shirt!
Yes, I thought she was crazy but she is my friend and fellow racer AND she does some of the most amazing things with her life so I said yes come over and pick up what you want. We sent her with some t-shirts and other things and waited to hear how it went.
2022/2023 “Chickistan”
The mission was called A Different Agenda or ADA and the creation of Moin Khan. His goal is to show-off his country and change perspectives “one motorcycle at a time”. Chickastan was the idea of Liza Miller who has been to Pakistan with ADA four times. She is enchanted with how safe this country is for women to travel in and the incredible hospitality. The trip was 2 1/2 weeks and the women road the country’s most popular motorcycle now: the Atlas Hona CB150F with street tires (OMG!).
Jaime came back from the trip estatic and wanted me to join her next time. After seeing these pictures I would need to brush up on my off-road skills to say the least. I was so surprised and happy that this tour plus the one from this year was on the cover and had a 10 page spread in The American Motorcyclist Magazine, AKA the AMA magazine. It even included pictures and quotes from Jaime.
The photos show how spectacular the landscape is, how challenging the roads are, and how welcoming the people are. This is a brief recap about the trip but there are many more facets and pictures in the original article. The point is to highlight a local Santa Fean, Jaime Smith, who takes part in missions to improve the world around her while having fun. If you want to read the entire article you can sign up for the magazine or come by the shop and read it.